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Solar PCU (MPPT)

 With increase in power demand globally the conventional energy resources are  not able to meet the consumption requirements and there is a huge gap  between energy production and demand. Therefore technology is moving  towards non-conventional energy resources like Solar energy, wind energy,  geothermal energy, wave energy etc. Out of all these resources solar energy  is found in abundance  and now technology has grown to convert the solar  energy into electrical energy very easily with the help of  Silicon based solar  panels.

 S-PCU is  a DSP/ Micro controller based Solar-Grid Power Conditioning Unit  which is programmed with grid electricity saving features, elongated back-up  time and PWM/MPPT charger possessing smart charging profile for all types  of batteries.

FUNCTIONINGSolar Power Conditioning Unit (PCU) is an intelligent solar inverter with grid connectivity and battery backup. It works with priority to solar / battery / grid power. This PCU will provide full power from solar panels and will charge the batteries simultaneously keeping the grid off. In case of unavailability/ partial availability of solar power it will transfer full/ partial load to the batteries. If the battery voltage goes below a set level, the PCU will automatically transfer the load to the grid/ DG power and charges simultaneously. Once the batteries are charged to the present level, the PCU will switch off the grid/ DG power from the system and restores it to solar panels. The PCU automatically switches to hybrid (current sharing) mode if the power is low compared to the load requirement.

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